6 Reasons Why Grass Seed is So Expensive

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You might’ve noticed that grass seed costs a whole lot more than it used to. These inflating grass seed prices make it harder to maintain a healthy lawn, overseed after a harsh winter, and more. Knowing how to handle the ever-increasing prices of grass seed will keep your lawn healthy and cost-effective.

Grass seed is so expensive for these reasons:

  • Seed supply shortages
  • Pricey grass types
  • Droughts and topsoil issues
  • Lawn care companies taking the seed supply
  • Inflation
  • Increasing supply and demand

Throughout this article, I’ll break down everything I’ve learned about why grass seed is so expensive. I’ll also share several tips to save on grass seed and help you grow your lawn efficiently.

Grass Seed Supply Shortages

The price of grass seed can suddenly jump if there’s a supply shortage. Unfortunately, there’s no way to know that there’s a shortage until the costs increase by large margins. The good news is that supply shortages can be corrected, but they can last for several months.

Grass seed supply shortages make grass seed more expensive due to these factors:

  • Seed producers have to make up for the lack of seeds by increasing the price to maintain their margins.
  • Large companies buying thousands of pounds of grass seed often hike the prices for a short time.
  • If everyone decides to buy grass seed at the same time (such as after a water restriction period when lawns get patchy), there’s a shortage.

The Type of Grass Seed Affects the Price

There are many different types of grass. Some grasses are better in cold temperatures, whereas others last longer when it’s warm outside. The type of grass directly impacts how expensive the seeds are. Remember to choose the grass type that best suits your climate to give it the highest chance of growing.

Grass seeds have varying costs, depending on these features:

  • Location: Grass seeds cost more when they have to be shipped further.
  • Resilience: Some grass is much more durable and long-lasting than others.
  • Popularity and Rarity: People want the best-looking, easiest grass to maintain.
  • Shortages: As mentioned above, shortages of a particular type of grass will inevitably affect the price.

Droughts Impact the Cost of Grass Seed

When there’s a drought, seeding companies have a much more difficult time producing enough grass seeds to meet the demand. Not only do droughts produce less grass than normal, but they also require more water. If the price of water goes up, so does the price of the grass seeds.

Many companies have to rake the grass seed into the soil with machinery, which can be more or less expensive during a drought. Gas prices, water costs, and many other utilities also influence the price of grass seeds during a dry period.

Lawn Companies Take Most of the Supply

In 2006, Scotts Miracle-Gro bought an Oregon-based company for around $35,000,000, per Columbus Business First. The deal landed them several thousands of tons of grass seeds in a state that produces the vast majority of some of the most popular grasses in the United States.

In other words, Scotts Miracle-Gro could set its price point at anything within a reasonable value. The more these large companies buy the production and supply, the more they can raise their prices.

Inflation Can Make Grass Seeds More Expensive

Price inflations happen often and without warning. Recent inflations undoubtedly increase the price of grass seed, making it more expensive than you’re probably used to. Furthermore, the cost of fertilizer will directly adjust how much you’ll have to spend on your grass seed.

Grass seed often costs the most when everything in the production process increases. Consider the following factors:

  • Water
  • Gasoline
  • Electricity
  • Fertilizer
  • Land and property taxes
  • Manual labor
  • Shipping and handling

All of these variables can change rapidly. If all of them grow with inflation, there’s no doubt that grass seeds will get more expensive.

Lawn Care Supply and Demand

Supply and demand affect virtually everything people buy and sell. If more customers want grass seeds, you better believe most companies will increase their prices. A sudden increase in demand can happen after water supply restrictions because people often end up with patchy lawns. It can also happen during spring when everyone wants to prepare their lawns for summer.

Unfortunately, the price hikes from supply and demand can cause people to store their grass seed improperly in bulk. While it lasts a long time, grass seed doesn’t last long in an open bag. Make sure you store your grass seeds properly to prevent an increase in demand.

How to Save on Grass Seed

To save on grass seed when it’s expensive, try these four tips:

  1. Use grass seed mixes to cut the costs of pure grass seeds. The USGA recommends using grass blends to reduce the price of grass seeds during hard times. There’s no way to know which grasses will increase in the years ahead, but mixed bags always cost less.
  2. Find out what grasses are best for your region when it comes to shipping costs, maintenance, and climate. Grass seed is typically cheaper when it doesn’t have to travel too far. Many companies base their shipping costs on weight and distance, so keep these variables in mind.
  3. Consider turf colorants to make your lawn look lively. LawnStar Grass Paint Concentrate is safe to use on any lawn and covers up to 1,000 square feet of grass. Evenly distribute the solution throughout the soil to make the lawn look lively, vibrant, and colorful to save on grass seed.
  4. Buy sealed grass seed bags in bulk. Grass seed lasts several years when it’s sealed. Grab as much as you need, then keep it in a cool, dry location (such as sheds, garages, etc.). Opening the bags will limit their longevity, but expired grass seed is still up to 10% as effective as fresh seeds.

Whether you prefer grass seed mixes, buying in bulk, or using a turf colorant, there are many ways to deal with expensive grass seed prices. Maintain your lawn throughout the year and you won’t have to worry about grassing another bag of seeds any time soon.


Jonah loves researching new ways to grow and maintain healthy plants. If he's not writing on one of his many blogs, he's likely playing acoustic guitar, watching survival shows, or mapping routes for future road trips.

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